How to cure allergy and Heart & Liver problem naturally?


The liver is the second largest single organ (after the skin) in the body, weighing about 2 Kilogram in an average adult. As adult humans are of varied sizes, so are their livers. It is approximately 21-22 centimetre at its widest point, 15-17 centimetre at its greatest vertical height and 10-12 cm in its thickness.

Liver at a glance

  • The liver is the second largest organ (after to the skin) of the body.
  • It is the chemical factory of the body. If a man built a factory to perform all the chemical functions a man’s liver can perform, it would cover 100 acres.
  • It produces bile
  • It processes food
  • It incorporates amino acids into proteins
  • Clogging in the liver causes allergy/asthma
  • The liver is instrumental in clearing out harmful drugs and other chemicals from the body.

Symptoms of Liver problem may include:

  • Cramping and gas in the stomach or intestine
  •  Abdominal pain, which could transmit to the right shoulder
  • If a gallstone remains lodged in the bile duct for a long time,there will be a build-up of bile behind it. This can result in obstructive jaundice.
  • Cholecystitis, an inflammation and possible infection in the gall bladder due to high levels of cholesterol

Ingredient for Liver Cleanse

  • Extra virgin olive oil (250 ml) for a person of 70 kgs or more, 175 ml for people weighing less than 70 kgs and 150 ml for people who weigh less than  55 kgs (remember that only extra virgin olive oil is needed, not olive oil or virgin olive oil).


  • Fresh juice of orange , sweet lime ,tangerine or pineapple approximately in the same quantity as the oil. Tetra pack juices can also be used.

  • Epsom salt or magnesium sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O), four sachets of 20 gms each per person per Liver Cleanse, for a person weighing 70 kgs or more. People who suffer from hypertension or weigh any less, should have 15 gms of epsom salt. Those who are on regular medication to control hypertension, should take the regular dose of 20 gms. People suffering from hypotension should take a reduced dose of 15 gms, since epsom salt sometimes tends to marginally lower blood pressure.

  • Water (800 ml) to dissolve epsom salt. You can substitute water with orange/sweet lime, pineapple or apple juice, to avoid the unpleasant taste of epsom salt. However, for best results,have salt with water and observe better cleansing, by way of increased number of stones in stool.

Liver Cleanse Process

Cleansing the liver dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your complete health. You can expect your allergies to be reduced by upto 40%, immediately after the first cleanse. The benefits increase with each subsequent cleanse, wherein you will notice a reduction in the frequency and intensity of the allergy.

A Liver Cleanse also ensures a heart attack free life for at least six months following the cleanse, by removing cholesterol and fat deposited in the arteries and blood .Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm and upper back pain, along with many other ailments. You will have more energy and an increased sense of well-being.

I suggest everyone to do a Liver Cleanse as soon as possible.Within 18 hours of this painless process, anyone can confirm that this Cleansing Therapy is very powerful.

Video – Liver Cleanse using Extra virgin olive oil, orange,Epsom salt

Frequently asked questions

FAQ Answers 

What kind of problems does the Liver Cleanse help with ?

Yes. Even if you can do just one Liver Cleanse, then your opinion about the efficacy of this cleanse to reduce or even remove your problems will change. With each subsequent cleanse you will improve further.

Liver Cleanse can help with several problems like:

  • Acne
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Age and liver spots
  • Insomnia
  • Allergies
  • Irregular cycles
  • Anger/irritability
  • Leg/muscle cramps
  • Blood sugar imbalance
  • Low Libido
  • Bone density loss
  • Low thyroid symptoms
  • Breast tenderness
  • Menopausal problems
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Dry skin
  • Panic/weeping
  • Facial hair
  • Foggy thinking
  • Fatigue
  • Sciatica
  • Feeling of being crazy
  • Spondylitis/arthritis
  • Fibrocystic breast
  • Swollen ankle/feet
  • Hair loss
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Vaginal problems
  • Hot/cold flushes
  • Water retention
  • Acne
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Age and liver spots
  • Leg/muscle cramps
  • Allergies
  • Insomnia
  • Anger/irritability
  • Lack of sex drive
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Dry skin
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling of being crazy
  • Foggy thinking/memory
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Liver Cleanse
  • Loss of memory
  • Low blood sugar
  • Thyroid problem
  • Lower back pain
  • Panic/weeping
  • Hair loss
  • Reduced muscular strength
  • Sciatica
  • Spondylitis
  • Swollen ankle/feet
  • Water retention

I am scared of drinking raw oil in such a large quantity.
That is the only way to do Liver Cleanse. Just Do It now. Do not wait because you have a right to a better life.

Can I use regular olive oil or plain virgin olive oil?
No, only the extra virgin olive oil has liver cleasing properties and nothing else.

Which are the common brands of extra virgin olive oil?
Figaro, Borges, Leonardo, Del Monte, Farrel, Bertolli, Milagro or from any other branded company. They are all original products. There are no adulterated ones sold in the market. The approximate price is Rs. 325 for a 250 ml bottle.

What is so special about extra virgin olive oil?
Extra virgin olive oil comes from the goodness of 100% carefully handpicked and cold pressed olives, within 24 hours of harvesting. The oil manufacturing process involves no heat, no chemical interaction, no solvents, no radiation and no microwaves, only pressure. The climate, soil, variety of olive tree and time of harvest account for the oil’s flavour, smell and colour. Due to the time consuming process required to manufacture extra virgin olive oil and its limited production volume, true extra virgin olive oil is expensive. The flavour of extra virgin olive oil tends to break down at frying temperatures, so it is not heated. Its use does not increase cholesterol.

How does oil enter the liver and cleanses it?
Cleansing the liver is the property of the extra virgin olive oil. All patients get demonstrable positive results. We do not need any better proof.
My neighbour told me that she is taking only 10 ml of extra virgin olive oil with lemon juice daily morning for the past two months for better liver health. Can I follow her?
There are about eight Liver Cleanse recipes. She is following one of them. This is effective but it is like moving from Mumbai to Delhi in a bullock cart. Just ask her about the results of her Liver Cleanse and tell her to do it our way and feel the difference in two days.

Can the Liver Cleanse avert bypass?
Definitely yes. Once the LDL (bad cholesterol) leaves your body, the chances of cardiac arrest/bypass are minimized. Visualize that a part of the LDL accumulated in your liver is cleared by the liver cleanse. It is an inherent property of blood to balance all its ingredients uniformly in the body. So it picks up accumulated cholesterol from comparatively high concentration areas, such as the coronary artery and brings it to the liver. Thus, arterial blockages are reduced and you will, in all probability, avert the bypass procedure. In five Liver Cleanses, my LDL cholesterol was reduced from 154 mg/dL to 103 mg/dL. It is a commendable achievement by any standards.

I have eaten no fat food for the past 10 years. How can I have any excess cholesterol in my body?
Fat is required by living beings for lubrication of body parts. Therefore the liver produces a limited quantity of fat and cholesterol from food for the body. Due to cooked food and environmental pollution, the LDL cholesterol so produced is sometimes in excess of the requirement.

How can your Liver Cleanse treatment give improvement in diabetic patients?
The food you eat supplies your body with sugar. Your liver synthesizes sugar from vegetables. Sometimes, the liver makes more sugar than the body needs, which causes the blood sugar levels to rise. In such patients of diabetes, considerable improvement happens after the Liver Cleanse.

I have high blood pressure. How can I take such heavy dosage of Epsom salt?
If you are taking blood pressure regulating medicine, then Epsom salt cannot harm you. Even if you are not taking medicine, it will not harm you because it tends to lower the blood pressure.

I have low blood pressure. Can I take Epsom salt?
If it is marginally low, then there is no problem. If it is significantly lower, then you have to be careful. You may have to reduce the dosage of the Epsom salt.

I have ulcers in the stomach. Can I take Epsom salt?
If the ulcers are small and few in number, then the Liver Cleanse may cause some bleeding. However, the advantage of doing the Liver Cleanse will be much more than the risk and little bleeding involved. If there are many and sizable ulcers, then talk to me before proceeding to do a Liver Cleanse. One solution could be to take green vegetable juices for a week three times-a-day, 200 ml each time, to improve the condition of the ulcers and then proceed to do a Liver Cleanse.

I am not OK with the taste of Epsom salt. Is there a substitute? Can I reduce the dosage?
Our Liver Cleanse process uses Epsom salt (MgSO 4 ) to dilate the valves/capillaries in the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder so that even big stones may pass smoothly in greater quantity. A Liver Cleanse can happen without Epsom salt, using only extra virgin olive oil but the elimination of toxins will be only one-fourth of the normal quantity It may cause temporary discomfort for a few hours. Bear with it. You can also mix orange/mausambi juice with Epsom salt but it hampers the quality of the Liver Cleanse. Finally, you are the best judge to decide about the choice, taking the full dose of Epsom salt for best results or reducing the dosage or taking it with orange or mausambi juice, thus compromising on the quality of the Liver Cleanse.

Can I use only Epsom salt as a laxative, in order to induce diarrhoea?
Epsom salt must not be used as a laxative. There are better options available in the market. Epsom salt is used in the Liver Cleanse to dilate the bile duct and flush out more and bigger stones.

Can I drink water or tea after 2 pm while doing Liver Cleanse?
Water is alright. You may also drink tea but not much, since this adversely affects the cleanse process.

What do I do if vomiting occurs during drinking Epsom salt or extra virgin olive oil?
Normally this should not happen. However, if it happens, it should be treated as a part of the cleansing process. Proceed with the cleansing process without changing anything. The residual medicine in the stomach will still yield results.

After the Liver Cleanse, when can I start taking food?
About one hour after the last dose of Epsom salt. Start with light food and after three to four hours, a heavy meal is also alright. Your body will tell you the right time for food by giving you appropriate signals.

Can I give this treatment to my 85 years-old sick mother?
You can suggest this therapy to anybody but only after you have first tested it on yourself. Remember, in Cleansing Therapy you are your own doctor, so be prepared to help your patients as their doctor and set your own example.

Can anybody and everybody do this Liver Cleanse?
Yes but Liver Cleanse should be done under the careful supervision of someone who has done a Liver Cleanse earlier, if you:-
have cancer
have diabetes
have cirrhosis of the liver
have tumour in the liver
have had major surgery in the past 4 months
have recovered from a long ailment
are elderly and in a weakened state
have big ulcers in the stomach / intestine.
In these cases, you may contact me for detailed guidelines.

Can pregnant ladies and lactating mothers safely do it?
Yes, pregnant ladies and lactating mothers can safely do Liver Cleanse.

Can children do a Liver Cleanse?
It is absolutely safe for children above 10 years. Younger children may do it under careful supervision excluding infants and kids. One eight year old boy has done it with proportionately reduced dosage and got good results.

Do real gallstones hurt badly, when they pass through the cystic and common bile ducts?
A.24 No, they are extremely soft and they just never hurt. They pass out very smoothly. Most gallstones are not from the gallbladder but from bile ducts.

Do gallstones sink in water?
Most gallstones (around 80%) are made of cholesterol. They normally float, even if they are chaff. When they are calcified, they sink. If you had green diarrhoea in the morning, then your liver cleanse is successful. In all cases after cleanse, patients find good improvement irrespective of what they have passed.

What is the difference between normal diarrhoea (caused by infection) and diarrhoea caused due to Liver Cleanse?
Diarrhoea is a condition of excessive, frequent and loose bowel movements. Normal diarrhoea sometimes needs treatment whereas the diarrhoea caused by Liver Cleanse is automatically cured in four-six hours after the cleanse, without any medication.

What if I do not get any loose motions, even after taking all four doses of Epsom salt and the extra virgin olive oil as advised?
I have not come across such a case so far. It will not happen. However, There could be some constitutional difference in your body, e.g. you are on heavy allopathic medicines for long (five-ten) years. In such case, take a fifth dose of Epsom salt at 11.30 am.

If nothing happen still, then what do I do?
Write all the facts of the case to me, along with your contact details and I shall talk to you personally.I am constipated. I drink 1 litre water everyday morning. Otherwise, I do not get motions. My spouse takes Ayurvedic powder every night to get motions.

Should we take it on the Liver Cleanse day or avoid it for that particular day?
I have no problems either way. Epsom salt is a laxative by itself, so it should serve the purpose. If you still feel the need for water, the usual Ayurvedic powder or any other medicine, you can take it.

How many times should a normal, healthy person do cleansing?
A healthy individual needs to do Kidney Cleanse once a month, drink green juices twice a month, do Liver Cleanse once in six months and do Joint Cleanse (for arthritis) once in two years. However, the schedule will vary from person to person, as per the propensity of that person to fall ill. If the person tries the therapy more than the recommended number of times, there are no any ill-effects, as with regular medication. On the contrary, you will only add to the beneficial effects already generated. However, it is advised to do Liver Cleanse initially at an interval of 15 days, till all the stones are flushed out. Later, it can be done every six month to clean up the toxins accumulated due to our irregular life style, food habits and pollutants.
I did four liver flushes but my ultrasound indicates no change in gallbladder stones.
It is not possible. All patients report a significant reduction, as observed in ultrasound reports. Ask yourself if you feel better after the Liver Cleanse. Try the Liver Cleanse once again after doing a Parasite Cleanse. You may try a different pathological laboratory. See our website for a comparision of reports before and after doing a Liver Cleanse.

Is it possible to do a Liver Cleanse under careful medical supervision?
If you have read this book carefully, then no supervision is needed and you can do it on your own. Hence, if you have any apprehension, then you can find a list of people on our website who can help you with the Liver Cleanses.
Four members of our family did Liver Cleanse exactly as you had recommended. Three members passed out stones, whereas I passed out only green water. Is there anything wrong with me? Though I am having elevated energy levels.
Do not worry. Everything is alright for you too. You are feeling better. It is the result of Liver Cleanse. In your case, it might be that the stones were in the form of chaff or were too small and mixed with water.

What if something goes wrong?
People in USA and many other developed countries have been doing it since 1995. I have been practicing this therapy for more than 10 years. Thousands of patients have been benefited. Nothing has gone wrong so far. You need not worry about anything but diarrhoea for three-four hours. However, it is recomended to read the complete literature and watch my video “Apna Ilaaj Apne Haath” on my website about the Liver Cleanse.

My doctor says that he has never read about your Liver Cleanse in his course. What is your comment?
When the doctor says “He cannot comment”, you are scared. Just ask him, “What are the risks involved and the downside?”, after seeing the ingredients. He may again offer no comments or say some diarrhoea, nausea etc. If he forbids you to do it, then remember that he is against it because he has not had an opportunity to experience this miraculous cure for himself, whereas I recommend it based on my personal experience. See testimonials of patients on pages and look for one in your neighbourhood. Talk to them or meet them. Science would be much better off if people maintain an attitude of open enquiry and test the observations of others before forming rigid opinions. Proceed with your Liver Cleanse. You are not bound to trust the opinions of those who have never tried it on themselves.

If the Liver Cleanse is so effective and with the potential to help a large number of people, how is it possible that it is not accepted by established medical practice?
Doctors practice medicine as it is established by the standard of care. Breaching it is not acceptable. Also, these inexpensive, home-made therapies are not advertised because they do not generate high revenues for them. Still, today there is a phenomenal growth in the practice of all alternative therapies through word- of-mouth. You will observe an exponential growth in the next five years, spread through word of mouth by people who have done a Liver Cleanse.

Your therapy does not seem to have any scientific studies backing the promised results. How can you convince me that this is not quackery and is a genuine therapy?
Most alternative therapies do not have the luxury of having money spent on them by way of scientific research. We are wasting health and time, if we wait for professors and universities to come up with scientific backing for these procedures, which are inexpensive and easy to follow and hence, are of no use to vested interests that deal in crores of rupees. Instead, I would suggest trusting your instincts and getting some basic knowledge of anatomy, chemistry, mechanics, physics and physiology and then applying some logic and common sense, combined with a will and desire to understand.

But why should I believe in Liver Cleanse? Why should I waste my precious weekend? Is it possible that drinking extra virgin olive oil could turn out to be a sick joke?
You are right. At least, you are frank. It will not sound like a sick joke. Actually, most successful therapies sound quite scary. To mention, there are a few such therapies; e.g. acupuncture, acupressure, amalgam replacement, bowel cleanse, colonics, enema, ozone therapy, reiki, yoga pranayam etc. I agree that pills are more exciting but the problem with them is that these exciting pills do not deliver 1/10 th of the results delivered by one Liver Cleanse; often they do more harm than good.

I am too busy to do a cleanse. Can you help me to find time from my choc-a-bloc schedule?
It is a known fact that 80% of your achievements and revenues come from 20% effort. To begin with, compromise on the effort for the remaining 20% achievements generating 80% surplus time. Utilise that for Cleansing Therapy and other things you want to do. Soon your efficiency will improve and you will have 120% achievement/revenue coming from 40% effort.

Who did the first Liver Cleanse?
I do not now exactly but I remember to have read that in 1980s somewhere in USA, an 85 year old lady called Suzanne, was suffering from many problems. She could not stand. She had not taken food for days and suffered from total constipation She was confident that she would not live until the next morning. One of her friends advised her to take extra virgin olive oil as a grandma recipe. She took 400 ml of extra virgin olive oil at 11 pm and went to bed with no hopes. Around 2 am onwards, she started going to the toilet and visited it five to six times until 6 am. In the morning, she observed that she was feeling much better for all her problems. The rest, as they say, is history.


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